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A Good Divorce (Permanent Press)

"[Keegan] resists turning his sociologically burdened characters into stereotypes, and explores how family members, even kids, grope for ideological rationales to make sense of the inchoate dynamics of daily life.  This emotionally rich and socially aware novel touchingly evokes a time when the personal became awkwardly political."

- Publishers Weekly


"[E]motional venting isn't the only effective dramatic device, and Keegan has artfully depicted a shy, compassionate father navigating personal trauma in a culturally chaotic era."

- Seattle Times


"The story is compelling and sweet, covering a variety of subjects from a father's love to a child's fear and a woman's sexuality.  The dialogue is powerful -- I can practically hear the words come out of the characters' mouths whether through tears, laughter or angry cries -- and Keegan's eye for detail makes memory boxes and camping gear become essential elements in the story.  This is an important book about relationships, love, parenting and honesty, especially now in this time of dysfunctional relationships."

- Anton Mueller, Senior Editor, Grove/Atlantic


"Keegan, a former prosecutor and eminent attorney, dramatizes a child-custody battle set in Seattle's collision of counterculture and lawyer cultre in the 1970s of mood rings and Open Marriage." 

- Seatttle Weekly